Friday, December 30, 2011

to blog or not to blog

So apparently blogging is not my thing, but I have been so much fun reading other people's blogs that I feel the need to work on mine, again. Hopefully this time it sticks.

What's new with us:

First, let's start by saying we are expecting baby number 2 in our family. Theodore "Teddy" Camden is due March 27th. We are looking forward to this new part of our life and having two boys.

Tomorrow starts the transformation of our house. I have a lot of ideas to utilize our space and get some projects underway. Tomorrow starts the cleaning out of our office. I will post before and after pictures soon, although I have to ask no judging. Our office is an absolute wreck. I can't even get in the doorway.

Also, I have began sewing again. I haven't done this in YEARS. When i say years I mean 10+. I have thought of taking up needlepoint or crocheting as well but we will see how these other projects and sewing goes for the time being.

Being that it is New Years Eve Eve, we have made a few New Year's resolutions in our household and I really hope we stick to them.