Saturday, July 21, 2012

Am I a man or am I a muppet?

I have been reading a lot about people's reactions to the shootings in Colorado.  And like any horrible tragedy, people question God's hand in it.  I read a blog today by Marie Marie's Blog following her account of the shooting.  She was in theater 9 with her two teenage children.  Her blog received a lot of praise, but a few negative comments as most blogs do.

People's main argument when bad things happen is why would a loving God let bad things happen?  The answer is plain and simple.  Free will.  Would you rather be a man or a muppet?

Yes, God could have stopped this man from entering the movie theater.  Yes, God could have stopped him in a car accident on the way to the theater.  Yes, God could have jammed all of his guns.  Yes, God could have stopped him! God has the power but did not because we as humans have free will.  God wants us to choose to love Him.  He doesn't want to force us to love him.  Just as you would not want to force your spouse, significant other, children, parents, or anyone else to love you without any choice.

God loves.  He loves every person.  You may not think He does, but He does, regardless of any choice you make, He still loves.  He loves James Holmes as well.

Bad things happen.  People die every day at the hand of man.  Murder is a tragedy that happens everyday.  And everyday God mourns because man chose to take another life.

So these people who question God and why he would allow these things to happen, ask yourself the question "Am I a man or am I a muppet?"

Marie words on this topic were so moving.

God is always good.
Man is not.
Don't get the two confused.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Decisions and adoption

My health has been a major issue during this pregnancy and Brent and I had the talk about will this be our last child. It has been a hard decision and somedays I am not sure I want to go through with it. But we have decided that I will get my tubes tied during my csection when Teddy is born. However, this doesn't mean this will be our last child. Adoption has always weighed heavily on my heart. If it wasn't for adoption there wouldn't be a lot of fantastic people in my life and I have always had the desire to adopt a child. It probably won't be anytime soon. And may not even happen but the door is open and God knows this desire and I truly feel that it will be fulfilled one day.

Today marks 30 weeks for Teddy. I can't believe we are getting so close. Still so much to do! I have a doctor's appointment Thursday and will find out the results of my glucose test. I am not worried about it. I eat lots of veggies and meats and feel great (minus the nausea and vomiting). I'm still struggling with high blood pressure but have definitely been controlling that through a healthier diet and exercise. At 30 weeks, I have gained a total of 8 pounds. That is mostly due to the nausea. I can't seem to keep food down, which is so different compared to my pregnancy with Reese. Sometimes I think this is possibly a girl with how sick I've been.

Friday, December 30, 2011

to blog or not to blog

So apparently blogging is not my thing, but I have been so much fun reading other people's blogs that I feel the need to work on mine, again. Hopefully this time it sticks.

What's new with us:

First, let's start by saying we are expecting baby number 2 in our family. Theodore "Teddy" Camden is due March 27th. We are looking forward to this new part of our life and having two boys.

Tomorrow starts the transformation of our house. I have a lot of ideas to utilize our space and get some projects underway. Tomorrow starts the cleaning out of our office. I will post before and after pictures soon, although I have to ask no judging. Our office is an absolute wreck. I can't even get in the doorway.

Also, I have began sewing again. I haven't done this in YEARS. When i say years I mean 10+. I have thought of taking up needlepoint or crocheting as well but we will see how these other projects and sewing goes for the time being.

Being that it is New Years Eve Eve, we have made a few New Year's resolutions in our household and I really hope we stick to them.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

New to blogging again.

I used to blog in college and haven't done it since then. Now that I have a one year old son I decided this is probably a good time to start one so I can remember the things that happen daily and have some sort of record of them.

So to start off, Reese is almost 14 months. He has been such a perfect child. I know everyone says that about their children but really, if you have met Reese than I know you agree with me.

When I was pregnant with Reese I had a pretty normal, pleasant pregnancy. I was a little nauseous for about 15 weeks but very little vomiting. When he was born he barely cried. The nurses in the hospital couldn't even get his blood pressure at times because he was such a calm baby.

At about 6 weeks, he began sleeping through the night, most nights about 7 or 8 hours. He only cried when hungry or tired (and I'm not lying).

He is still that way. He is probably the happiest baby alive. Everywhere we go, people say "he is such a happy baby" and he brings happiness to everyone. This makes me think he will be a comedian or actor or some sort of entertainer when he grows up because he feeds off people's attention.

I guess I have babbled enough about him for now, but the best way to introduce me to the blogging world is to describe the most important little person in my life.

Brent and I just celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary in July. We have been very blessed with an amazing family and great friends who both constantly supports us. We have had a wonderful 4 years and are learning new things everyday.

We live in Jacksonville and I constantly miss Tallahassee. I don't get there enough.